Follow Facebook group RMRWers for the latest up-to-date information, before and during the event.
Race Week will have a maximum of 250 total racers
You can sleep in an RV, however, you must abide by the intent of the rules at all times.
In short, the RV cannot be a mule.
All Participants from the previous year will be invited to pre-register.
If you do not register during the preregistration period then you will be allowed to register on a first come first serve basis.
There will be no refunds or transfer of registrations for any reason.
You must put sponsor stickers on the car as directed.
If you are a solo racer or have a child as a co-pilot you may name one other racer as a designated helper for the week. This person will have a specific wristband to identify.
In every class, the finishing positions are determined by the average of each day of racing. The lowest average e.t. wins each class.
In index classes, if a time slips faster than the index is submitted then that racer is disqualified from winning the class but is still able to participate in the remainder of the event.
Racers must have a driver’s license, registration, and insurance for the vehicle.
Racers must sign the liability waiver.
Racers must have display good sportsmanship at all times otherwise they can be.
Disbarred, disqualified, and/or removed from the event at the race director’s discretion.
Racers must be safe and follow NHRA safety rules at all times.
Make sure you have adequate brakes. If you do not have vented front rotors you must have trailer brakes.
Don’t go down a mountain road any faster than you can go up it.
Don’t hug the center line.
Car’s going up hill have the right of way.
Use the transmission to hold you back. Generally, this requires shifting into a lower gear.
Don’t ‘ride’ your brakes to maintain your downhill speed.
Pull over and give your brakes a break occasionally so they do not overheat. Brake.
Fade is a real thing!
Must have headlights, taillights, brake lights, turn signals
Racers must wear a helmet while racing. Even if not required by NHRA safety rules.
All cars and racers must meet NHRA safety requirements for the speed they are running.
Must have valid drivers license and up to date; insurance, registration and plates.
Lexan windows are allowed
◦ 1⁄4mile racing ◦ any tire size is acceptable unless specified in class rules
Racers must haul all of their own equipment, gear with the exception of fuel which may be hauled by anyone, but you can only transfer at a fuel station
Racers can purchase, ship, parts and fuel at any part store, track,
fuel station, etc along the way. It is up to the racer and track to coordinate.
Cars cannot be towed or hauled between tracks. If there is a safety issue, towing or
Hauling is allowed in order to resolve the safety issue but no more than necessary.
Racers must follow the entire route. If a racer deviates from the route (for parts, hotel, etc) then they must re-enter the route where they deviated from it. “Short cuts” are not permitted.
Racers must show milestone pictures upon turning in time-slips on race days following a route. Milestone pictures must clearly show the milestone and the car number on the car.
Co-pilots with valid drivers license can help drive the route and work on the car.
They can not be a pit crew for another car requiring welding to the frame are not allowed.
Must have drag radials or slicks in all classes except true street. But in true street no aggressive treaded street tires will be allowed and you must run out of the groove.
Enclosed or open – 4′ x 8′ max
If the tow vehicle does not have vented rotors, then the trailer must have working brakes.
If the trailer fits into the spirit of Race Week then exceptions on size may be made on a case by case basis with Matt’s approval
-!- 2023 RULES UPDATES -!-
Trailers can be any single Axle trailer stipulation if it still has to be within reason as far as work area 4×8 ish. This is to allow people to make spirit trailers and or is what they have at home but not to give an added advantage if you go big it’s a good idea to check with Matt.
Lexan windows can be used if we can’t tell it has Lexan. What that means is if it has all the stock Trim and looks factory we will allow it.
Street tires have to be a tire with less than 200 tread wear on the track and if we feel it’s still too aggressive, you will be asked to run out of the groove. If we see you In the groove, you could be subject to disqualification.
Tech we will continue with video tech a month before the event we will allow participants to send in video tech for the street side of tech this will allow you to go to express tech the day of. If you have done one of the big Drive N Drags within 6 months of Race Week you can go directly to express tech if you have not changed cars or trailers.
Something new for Roadweek if time permits we will call any road week cars to the lanes to make a pass you must pass tech and have proper safety equipment we did this last year and we got all Roadweekers who wanted to make a pass in at some point during the week some even got several.
*Click on any that apply to your vehicle.

Must have stock front frame rails.
Suspension is allowed back half, 4 link, ladder bars, etc.
Must have all steel body with the exception of factory glass body or possibly fiberglass body if it’s a street version (no light weight race body’s) at Matt’s discretion
Non-metal hood and deck lid is allowed
Must be 8.50 and slower.
Stock style rear suspension.
29.5 x 10.5 (non “W”) or smaller drag slick.
315/60-15 or smaller drag radial
Must be stock appearing
Must be within 4 inches of stock wheel base
Must Be A Door Car
Only vehicles between 1928 – 1967 are allowed
No bead lock wheels
Tire size limited to 12.50
No wings
No wheelie bars
Must fit class appearance guidelines
For ages 13 to 16 1/8th mile no faster than a 9 second 1/8th can be turned in.
Must have junior street lic.
Parent has to drive non-driver license or non-permit drivers from track to track.
Sign-up for Jr is on its own no need to be in general sign up until we get to the point of too many sign-ups approx 15
Day one turn in any 1/8th mile time under 9 second and try to achieve that number at each track .
If you go over and can’t get under one day you you get a mulligan that ads 1/10th to average if you happens after that 20 second is added to time .
Winner is who ever gets the average closet to there number . Shootout at end of week is dial your number first to the stripe without breaking out wins .